
The following is a list of persons or organizations who have made public declarations in support of our efforts to protect our sacred mountain. Mahalo nui to you all.

“I live in the middle of this fight, and I am telling you for a fact that TMT will never be built in Hawaii. And forcing TMT through is causing enormous damage both to existing astronomy and to my island community.

Read full Letter of Resignation

– Jon Lomberg / Aug 30, 2019

Jon Lomberg (born 1948) is an American space artist and science journalist. He was Carl Sagan's principal artistic collaborator for more than twenty years on many projects from 1972 through 1996.[1] In 1998, the International Astronomical Union officially named an asteroid (6446 Lomberg) in recognition of his achievements in science communication.

“ Instead of seeing the protectors on the mountain as crazy Hawaiians, we should consider whether they bring a vision of law that will save our lives.” read full article

– Charles Lawrence + Mari Matsuda / Aug 18, 2019

Charles Lawrence, emeritus professor, and Mari Matsuda, professor at the William S. Richardson School of Law, are authors of books and articles on constitutional law and critical race theory.

“Amnesty International …urges you to halt construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea…” Read full letter.

-Amnesty International / Jul 26, 2019

"We should not do any project in Hawaii that threatens the fabric of society and if there's any way to find some kind of harmony together we should do it.” see full article

– Lieutenant Governor Josh Green / Jul 22, 2019

“Consistent with UNDRIP, UBC believes that projects like the TMT should be established where local communities are supportive“

- Santa J. Ono, President and Vice-Chancellor and Gail Murphy, Ph.D, Vice President, Research and Innovation, Read full letter

University of British Columbia

“In the interests of peace, justice, and public safety, we therefore implore you to place a halt on all TMT construction activities pending the identi cation of solutions to more meaningfully respect the cultural beliefs and well-founded concerns of Native Hawaiians and others, and ensure the safety of those wishing to practice their culture and express their concerns. “ Read full

– OHA Chair Colette Machado and OHA Trustee Dan Ahuna / Jul 13, 2019

Letter to Governor Ige

“HPA stands with the 2,500 kiaʻi occupying the Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu and the kiaʻi accross the state in advocating for the justice of Kānaka Maoli.” Read full

– Hawai‘i Psychological Association / Jul 2019

[W]e have in many ways failed the mountain. Whether you see it from a cultural perspective or from a natural resource perspective, we have not done right by a very special place and we must act immediately to change that [.]”

- Governor David Ige / May 26, 2015

“From a cumulative perspective, the impact of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future activities on cultural resources on Mauna Kea is substantial and adverse.” Read full

– National Aeronautics and Space Administration / Feb 2005

“The Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, the only national labor organization representing the needs of 660,000 AAPI workers across the country, urges you to withdraw your support for the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) atop Mauna Kea.” Read Full Letter and Resolution

– Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO, / Aug 2019

“The TMT project is currently moving forward without the free, prior and informed consent of and appropriate consultation with the Indigenous people of Hawaii, a violation of Articles 19 and 28 of the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.” Read Statement

-University of Washington / Jul 24, 2019

“We call upon the astronomy community to recognize the broader historical context of this conflict, and to denounce the criminalization of the protectors on Maunakea.See full petition

947 Scientists

This controversy highlights the struggle of an Indigenous People to preserve their sacred sites from desecration and ensure their participation in current land use issues. Kānaka Maoli leaders and those who oppose TMT construction emphasize that they are not “anti-science.“ Read full


“The NAISA Council stands with the defenders of Mauna Kea against the desecration of the mountain and violence against Kānaka Maoli. The State of Hawaiʻi is violating its own principles “to protect all rights, customarily and traditionally exercised for subsistence, cultural and religious purposes…of Native Hawaiians” as stated in its constitution.” Read Full

-The Council of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association / July 26, 2019

“We must guarantee native peopleʻs right to self-determination and their right to protest.  I stand with Native Hawaiians who are peacefully demonstrating to protect their sacred mountain of Mauna Kea” See post

Bernie Sanders / Jul 2019

“I affirm, as a matter of royal obligation, the sanctity of Mauna Kea as the final resting place of my grandfatherʻs chiefly ancestors, Kukahauula and Lilinoe…” Read More

Abigail Kawananakoa / Jul 2019

Letter to the Editor, Star Advertiser

“We remain committed to the value and importance of how we care for our kupuna and the vast enrichment they bring to our lāhui.” Read full

– Lunalilo Home / Jul 17 2019 Press Release

“Mauna Kea is sacred to Native Hawaiian people. The Hawaiians who have been protesting construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope are trying to protect a sacred site from further desecration. I stand in solidarity with them.see post

– Elizabeth Warren / Jul 22, 2019

“[T]he University of Hawaii’s management of the Mauna Kea Science Reserve is inadequate to ensure the protection of natural resources. The university focused primarily on the development of Mauna Kea and tied the benefits gained to its research program. The university’s control over public access was weak and its efforts to protect natural resources were piecemeal. The university neglected historic preservation, and the cultural value of Mauna Kea was largely unrecognized.”

– Hawaiʻi State Auditor / Feb 1998

“There is something special and powerful happening in America.

From PR to Hawaii, people are coming together to protect their dignity, rights, + sacred land w massive, peaceful, collective action.” see post

– AOC / Jul 19, 2019

“I am concerned that social pressures for more intensive use of Mauna Kea for scientific, recreational and other purposes pose a threat to the priceless qualities of that mountain.”

Governor George Ariyoshi / Nov 1, 1974

“This is about something much greater than the TMT project — it has to do with longstanding history on Mauna Kea, broken promises, desecration of sacred land and disrespect for native culture. “ Read full

Representative Tulsi Gabbard / Jul 19 2019

“[…] UH has not yet met all of [its] obligations to the mountain or the expectations of the community.” –

UH President David Lassner and UH Hilo Chancellor Donald Straney, Jun 1, 2015

“For a university that distinguishes itself as a ‘Hawaiian place of learning,’ the University of Hawai‘i has done little to ensure that Native Hawaiian voices have been properly heard throughout the decision-making process. We commend those members of our undergraduate student body who continue to exercise their First Amendment rights in opposition to the TMT, and we hope that UH leadership will take these concerns to heart over the coming days.” read full

ASUH President, Landon Li

“Standing in solidarity with protestors on Mauna Kea, protecting the Sacared Raina from scientific imperialism.” see post

– Leonardo DiCaprio / Jul 28, 2019

“The mountain should not be ‘over crowded;’ it may bring more cars, and outsiders who do not have good ‘manaʻo’ (thoughts) about preserving the valuable history of the mountain.” Read full

– Waimea Hawaiian Civic Club / Jan 27, 1980

Andre Perez